Mary Jane Lyonnais is the Healthy Foods Coordinator for Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH), a program to increase healthy food access in Northeastern NC, at Albemarle Regional Health Services. Mary Jane is very interested in systems change and creating a more equitable environment where all people can access, afford and grow fresh, quality nutritious foods. PICH has a long standing relationship with A Better Chance A Better Community (ABC2) with activities including but not limited to farmers markets initiatives, community farm support, community engagement model development (for a Healthy Food Access Mapping Project) and more. Since the start of her position, ABC2 has been in the forefront of her work with PICH and continues to be the model for community centered and resiliency work. She loves that ABC2 is a welcoming presence of like-minded individuals who want to be the change they wish to see. ABC2 knows how to get the work done and progress while standing by the values and heart of the community.